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"Paul David, inspired by the retention of the ineffective QWERTY keyboard"

But the QWERTY keyboard is not "ineffective." It looks ridiculous, and wonderful arguments can be made about how other designs (I'm lookin' at you, Dvorak) would be so much better. But they actually aren't much better (the studies claiming they are, which David cites at second hand, have never been found). QWERTY became a standard because it consistently beat other keyboards in speed competitions when typewriters were new. Now, even though you can get a Dvorak keyboard for $22 from Amazon, just about no one switches over because the gain in speed or comfort just isn't enough to be worth switching.

(I got much of the above from THE FABLE OF THE KEYS by S. J. LIEBOWITZ and STEPHEN E. MARGOLIS, published in the Journal of Law and Economics back in 1990. A quick search will find non-gated copies of the article.)

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